Multiple Function Sensor Development Tools STRATOS Inspire USI

Mid-air tactile effects for public installations
The Ultrahaptics STRATOSTM Inspire is a robust plug-and-play haptic module suitable for creating sophisticated
mid-air tactile effects for interactive public installations and demonstrations. Designed for compliance with
consumer regulations and for use in public spaces, STRATOSTM Inspire can be bolted onto existing display
solutions or used to develop innovative new experiences.


STRATOSTM Inspire can create a wide variety of mid-air tactile effects within a 3D interaction zone over 65cm d
x 55cm w x 55cm h (26” d x 22” w x 22” h).
The simplest type of effect is a single pressure point measuring as little as 8.6mm in diameter. Up to 8 haptic
pressure points can be created. With a 40kHz refresh rate, these pressure points are then moved very rapidly
in 3D space to create a variety of haptic effects including:
• Classic interface controls such as buttons and sliders, as well as haptic pulses and alerts
• Immersive sensations such as textures, and presence for virtual objects, surfaces and shapes
• Magical sensations such as lightning, fireballs, ghosts, clouds, bubbles and force fields
Robust and safety compliant
The STRATOSTM Inspire kit is certified compliant
to safety and electrical regulatory standards (CE,
FCC, NRTL, PSE, RoHS, REACH). Its robustness
and external certification enable commercial
projects where customers can evaluate the
business benefits of mid-air haptics in a public
and realistic setting before going forward with
customised designs and integration into product

Applications and benefits
STRATOSTM Inspire is particularly suitable for digital signage, event
marketing, location-based entertainment and AR/VR applications.
Studies show that mid-air haptics significantly improves a range of
key metrics, including:
• >100% increase in attention time. 11.8 seconds versus
industry average of 4.6 seconds for non-interactive digital
In addition, adding mid-air haptics to a motion
controlled interface resulted in an increase in interaction time
of up to 50%.
• >80% preference. Over 80% of study participants preferred
the interactive experience with mid-air haptics. Captured
through unprompted responses.
• >50 point increase in Net Promoter Score (NPS). Adding
mid-air haptics to a gesture-based interactive experience
increased NPS from -42 to +14 points.


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